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More Terminal Commands

See list of files and folders


example: ls ‐l

‐l : show permissions, ownerships etc

‐a : Show all files, including hidden files

To change location


example: cd Documents

Copy file or folder

first specify file (and path if necessary), cp, then specify destination.


example: cp myfile.doc Desktop/

‐r : Copy folders too, including contents (otherwise

folders will be ignored)

Delete file(s) or folder(s)

multiple files/folders can be specified


example: rm –rf myfolder

‐r : Delete folder;

Create a link to a file (shortcut)

first specify the file (including path if necessary), and then the location where the link should be created. A different filename may be specified for the new link.


example: ln –s myfile.doc ~/Desktop/

Unmount attached storage device


example: sudo umount /media/cdrom

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